Director’s Message

As the Director of Penang State Museum and Art Gallery I would like to thanked and I am very proud of with the spirit of commitment and dedication given by me to achieve our goals and main objective, “Museum Educations For All”.
Moving to our new premise at No.57, Jalan Macalister is intended to expand the state branch of the museum as well as to create variety shows in Penang State Museum and Art Gallery.
Penang State Museums and Art Gallery is not only an institution that contributed to the development of many sectors of the State’s tourism industry even placed the name of Penang State in the art world mainstream. Moving to our new premise is align with our Penang State Museum and Art Gallery vision, “Nourishing and cultivate the interest of appreciation of the State’s heritage and culture to realize the awareness and love for our motherland for the present and future generations so that the passage of time does not expire”.
I hope the compilation of the construction and development of Penang State Museum and Art Gallery websites would provide useful information to everyone.
Thank You.
“ Museum Educations For All ”
Haryany Mohamad
Lembaga Muzium Negeri Pulau Pinang