2024 International Museum Day Logo

๐๐ง๐ฏ๐๐ข๐ฅ๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ญ๐ก๐ ๐๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ฒ ๐๐๐ก๐ข๐ง๐ ๐๐ฎ๐ซ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐จ๐ ๐จ: ๐ ๐ ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ข๐จ๐ง ๐จ๐ ๐๐๐ซ๐ข๐ญ๐๐ ๐ ๐๐ง๐ ๐ ๐ฎ๐ง!
Have you spotted our vibrant International Museum Day logo? There’s more to it than meets the eye!
Those beautiful tiles are actually Peranakan tiles, a captivating blend of cultures. They might seem like a uniquely Southeast Asian creation, but they actually originated as majolica tiles in Europe!
In the early 1900s, these ornamental pieces reached our shores and the Peranakans, known for appreciating the finer things, embraced them as a symbol of wealth and affluence.
Just like the Peranakan tiles themselves, our IMD 2024 logo represents a fusion of cultures and traditions. It’s a reminder that museums are treasure troves of stories waiting to be explored, where the past meets the present in a vibrant display.
Were You Spooked Out at Penang's Night In The Museum? Museum Fun Walk 2024
Publish post on 25 May 2024
Publish post on 24 May 2024
Hari Muzium Antarabangsa diadakan di Pulau Pinang buat pertama kali bersempena dengan ulang tahun perkahwinan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang.
(Berita Pulau Pinang pada 18hb) Hari Muzium Antarabangsa ke-28 diadakan di Pulau Pinang buat pertama kali Apabila Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Chow Kon Yeow menghadiri majlis perasmian hari ini, beliau mendedahkan bahawa hari ini juga merupakan ulang tahun ke-36 perkahwinannya dengannya. isteri.
Dia juga bergurau bahawa dia dan isterinya tidak tahu bahawa hari ini adalah Hari Muzium Antarabangsa, sambil berseloroh mengatakan bahawa belum masanya untuk mereka “masuk ke muzium” sehingga menyebabkan para hadirin ketawa.

Katanya, sambutan Hari Muzium Antarabangsa sudah 27 kali diadakan di pelbagai negeri di negara kita, dan pada tahun ini akhirnya tiba di Pulau Pinang.
Beliau percaya bahawa terdapat pelbagai cabaran yang sering dihadapi dalam melestarikan sejarah dan budaya Beliau berterima kasih kepada kumpulan dan individu yang terlibat dalam budaya dan kerja berkaitan sejarah Kerana usaha mereka ini, sejarah, peninggalan budaya dan tapak bersejarah dapat dipelihara .

Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pelancongan dan Ekonomi Kreatif Pulau Pinang Huang Hanwei menegaskan bahawa muzium mengandungi pelbagai objek lama seperti tengkorak, keranda dan objek kuno Mereka sering dianggap sebagai tempat yang “menakutkan dan gelap” Namun, dengan kemajuan masyarakat, persepsi orang mereka telah berubah.
โMuzium kini telah menjadi tempat yang mengintegrasikan sejarah, budaya, seni dan adat resam melawat muzium adalah seperti mengikuti kelas pendidikan tidak formal, di mana anda boleh mempelajari kebijaksanaan watak, tamadun negara dan pelbagai ilmu.
Beliau berharap muzium itu akan menjadi tempat yang wajib dikunjungi orang ramai apabila melancong ke luar negara, supaya mereka lebih memahami budaya dan adat resam masyarakat setempat, belajar menghormati dan memahami antara satu sama lain, serta mencapai keharmonian hidup bersama antara kaum.
Hari Muzium Antarabangsa akan diadakan selama lima hari berturut-turut mulai hari ini di Dewan Bandaraya Pulau Pinang Hadirin termasuk Timbalan Menteri Kewangan Lim Huiying dan Ahli Parlimen Bukit Pulau Pinang Serena.

Heritage trustees converge on George Town

Chow (standing front, third right) flanked by Saraswathy (on his left) and Wong visiting a traditional games booth at Dewan Sri Pinang. โ Photos: CHAN BOON KAI/The Star
PENANG is hosting the 28th edition of the national-level International Museum Day Festival (HMA) in George Town until tomorrow.
It features 40 booths displaying exhibits from museums across the country as well as Singapore and Indonesia.
The festival launch at the Dewan Sri Pinang auditorium was kicked off by the award-winning Zeppo Youngsterz dance group, which entertained guests with a five-minute routine that combined elements of traditional Malay dance and silat moves.
The 15-member group was brought in by the Pahang Museum Board.
Perbadanan Adat Melayu and Warisan Negeri Selangor assistant curator Mohd Aidy Khairunizam explaining the taxidermy process to visitors during the festival.
Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow accompanied Deputy Unity Minister Saraswathy Kandasami who was representing Unity Minister Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang, in visiting the booths after the launch.
Also present were state tourism and creative economy committee chairman Wong Hon Wai, Tanjong MP Lim Hui Ying, state museum and art gallery director Haryany Mohamad and state museum board directors including Datuk Ahmad Farid Abd Jalal from Pahang.
In his opening speech, Chow said the prestigious nine-day event had attracted renowned museum practitioners from throughout Malaysia as well as abroad.
โI fully recognise that the role of heritage trustees is not an easy one, as they face numerous challenges.
โAnd without these institutions, our historical legacy and museums would disappear.
โI highly commend those involved in preserving historical facts and artifacts, as it is crucial for the development of our self-identity.
โI also believe that this annual festival will inspire the community to deeply appreciate the historical values of our state and country,โ he said.
Chow encouraged international participants to explore Penangโs heritage sites during their visit, saying that Penang is renowned worldwide for its heritage buildings and its diverse culinary culture while the enclave of inner George Town is recognised as a Unesco World Heritage Site.
Saraswathy said she was pleased that the festival was being held in Penang, where she grew up.
โThis yearโs festival is themed โMuseum for Education and Researchโ and 32,000 museums from 158 countries are taking part.
โInternational Museum Day has been observed annually on May 18 since 1977 by the International Council of Museums,โ she said.
Festivalย ,ย Dewan Sri Pinangย ,ย Heritage
Here are the video highlights of the International Museum Day opening ceremony and the first day ofย the public exhibition. What a fantastic way to kick off the IMD 2024!
Bersempena dengan Hari Muzium Antarabangsa, acara “Muzium dalam Komuniti” telah diadakan dengan meriah orang ramai berkumpul di tapak kebudayaan dan keagamaan di Daerah Warisan George Town untuk merasai pesona unik kepelbagaian budaya.
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelancongan dan Ekonomi Kreatif Pulau Pinang, Wong Hon Wai, menegaskan bahawa acara ini akan membantu mempromosikan hubungan rapat antara masyarakat dan muzium, dan akan memberi impak positif secara tidak dapat dilihat.
Beliau berkata pada majlis perasmian pagi Ahad selain wakil muzium yang menyertai sambutan Hari Muzium Antarabangsa 2024, acara ini juga terbuka kepada orang ramai bagi mempromosikan pertukaran antara semua pihak.
Beliau mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pelbagai unit yang memberi kerjasama untuk menjayakan majlis tersebut, termasuk Se Tak Tak Tse Tse Tse, Masjid Jalan Tas Shek, Kuil Hindu Mariamman, Pusat Belia Jalan Tas Shek Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang dan Taman Jalan Tas Tong Chai.
**Huang Hanwei: Meningkatkan kesedaran orang ramai tentang muzium**
Beliau berkata, penganjur mengatur pelbagai aktiviti di lokasi yang dinyatakan di atas, seperti membuat terompah tradisional, seni khat tradisional Cina, kaligrafi Arab, bengkel membuat kalungan bunga, permainan tradisional dan kuih-muih tradisional, supaya peserta berpeluang merasai dan menikmati keseronokan itu. .
Beliau berharap aktiviti seperti ini dapat terus meningkatkan kesedaran dan minat orang ramai terhadap muzium serta menggalakkan pembangunan kemanusiaan masyarakat.
**Saraswati menggalakkan pembinaan masyarakat yang harmoni dan bersatu padu**
Saraswati, Timbalan Menteri Perpaduan Negara, mengucapkan terima kasih kepada penganjur kerana menyokong dan menyahut usaha kementerian dalam menggalakkan perpaduan dan keharmonian dalam kalangan rakyat.
Beliau berkata semua orang harus melindungi kepelbagaian budaya negara kita Walaupun kepelbagaian membawa cabaran kepada perpaduan, selagi ia dikendalikan dengan betul, ia boleh menjadi kekuatan negara dan membina masyarakat yang harmoni dan bersatu padu.
Pada hari yang sama, persidangan itu turut menyerahkan 15 barangan bekalan kepada mereka yang memerlukan, setiap satu bernilai RM150, bagi menunjukkan rasa sayang kepada masyarakat.
Publish post on 18 May 2024
Selepas tujuh tahun, Muzium Pulau Pinang kembali dibuka, anjur pameran sementara mangkuk bertingkat

GEORGE TOWN โ Muzium Negeri Pulau Pinang dekat Lebuh Fahquhar di sini akan kembali dibuka esok selepas kira-kira tujuh tahun ditutup untuk memberi laluan kepada kerja-kerja restorasi serta proses baik pulih bangunan warisan Kategori 1, sejak 14 April 2017.
Sehingga bulan Jun ini, Lembaga Muzium Negeri Pulau Pinang (LMNPP) buat julung kalinya menganjurkan Pameran Ceritera Mangkuk Bertingkat sempena sambutan Festival Hari Muzium Antarabangsa Peringkat Kebangsaan Kali Ke-28.

Semasa menyempurnakan majlis pra-perasmian majlis tersebut di perkarangan luar bangunan berkaitan pada malam ini, Exco Pelancongan dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Wong Hon Wai berharap sekalian pengunjung khususnya penduduk Pulau Pinang dapat meluangkan masa menikmati siri pendidikan pemuziuman di sini.
โSignifikan Pameran (Ceritera Mangkuk Bertingkat) ini adalah sempena sambutan 60 tahun penubuhan Muzium (Dan Balai Seni Lukis Negeri Pulau Pinang) di bangunan ini (iaitu) pada 14 April 1965.
โSelepas selesai penganjuran pameran sementara ini, kita (LMNPP) akan memberi tumpuan kepada restorasi lengkap koleksi-koleksi lain secara lengkap di keseluruhan bahagian dalam bangunan ini, dan dalam tempoh sembilan hingga 12 bulan akan dibuka semula secara kekal bangunan muzium ini.
โSehubungan itu, saya berharap para pengunjung dapat menikmati keindahan bangunan warisan Kategori 1 ini, dan diharapkan kita boleh belajar sesuatu daripada bidang pendidikan pemuziuman ini,โ jelasnya yang juga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Paya Terubong dalam majlis berkaitan di sini pada 17 Mei 2024.
Menurut Pengerusi LMNPP itu lagi, Ketua Menteri Y.A.B. Tuan Chow Kon Yeow yang juga Exco Kewangan, Pembangunan Tanah & Ekonomi dan Ekonomi Kreatif dijadualkan menyempurnakan acara perasmian Hari Muzium Antarabangsa di Dewan Sri Pinang pada 11 pagi esok.

Difahamkan, bangunan Muzium Negeri Pulau Pinang merupakan antara 11 bangunan bertaraf Warisan Kebangsaan berdasarkan Akta Warisan 2005 serta menjadi antara elemen penting di sebalik pemasyhuran George Town sebagai Tapak Warisan Dunia UNESCO pada 7 Julai 2008.
Projek membaik pulih struktur fizikal bangunan Muzium Negeri Pulau Pinang yang dilaksanakan sejak April 2017 sebenarnya siap pada tahun 2019 lagi, namun kerja-kerja restorasi terpaksa ditangguhkan dek pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) semasa itu.

Pengarah LMNPP, Haryany Mohamed yang berucap sebelum pada itu antara lain berkata Pameran Ceritera Mangkuk Bertingkat di sini akan dibuka sehingga bulan Jun, secara percuma.
โKami, orang Pulau Pinang panggil โSiaโ.
โโTiffinโ adalah perkataan Inggeris-India yang berasal dari bahasa Inggeris lama iaitu โtiffingโ atau โto tiffโ yang bermaksud โuntuk minum ringanโ, namun, ia diistilahkan kini sebagai โmakan tengah hariโ.
โKalau muzium di negeri Terengganu, koleksi terasnya adalah keris; kalau muzium di negeri Pahang, koleksi teras mereka adalah tekstil; di negeri Pulau Pinang, koleksi mangkuk tingkat ini merupakan antara koleksi berharga kami di LMNPP,โ ujarnya.
Tambah beliau, LMNPP ketika ini mempunyai kira-kira 100 unit koleksi terhad mangkuk tingkat dengan pelbagai corak yang boleh menceritakan evolusi kebudayaan masyarakat lokal serta sejagat sejak era 1920-an.
Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Haryany turut merakamkan penghargaan kepada sekalian Ketua Jabatan Negeri dan Persekutuan, penggiat pemuziuman serta pengerak industri pelancongan yang terlibat di sebalik penganjuran Pameran Ceritera Mangkuk Bertingkat sempena sambutan Festival Hari Muzium Antarabangsa Peringkat Kebangsaan Kali Ke-28.
Shout Out from Lah Ahmad for HMA2024!

Publish post on 18 May 2024
Tiffin exhibition at Penang State Museum @ Farquhar Street.

PENANG is honored to host the national-level 28th International Museum Day Festival (HMA) 2024 from May 13 to May 23 at Dewan Sri Pinang in George Town.
Themed โMuseum for Education and Research,โ HMA 2024 marks Penangโs inaugural hosting of this prestigious event.

Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow, the guest of honour officiating the event, praised Penangโs efforts in hosting the festival for the first time.
โThis prestigious event attracts renowned museum practitioners from both abroad and across the country. It helps spread the message of unity and empowers museum institutions.
โI understand that the role of heritage trustee is not an easy task, as there are many challenges they face. Without such institutions, our historical legacy and museums themselves would vanish.

โTherefore, I strongly commend those involved in preserving historical facts and artifacts for the development of our self-identity,โ Chow said in his speech at Dewan Sri Pinang today.
Chow believed the celebration would inspire the community to deeply appreciate the historical values of our state and country.
โPenang is renowned worldwide for its heritage buildings and its diverse culinary culture.
โOur unique enclave in George Town, recognised as a Unesco World Heritage Site, must be visited for its exceptional heritage architecture,โ he said.

Chow also thanked state Tourism and Creative Economy Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai, and the state Museum and Art Gallery director Haryany Mohamad for their tireless efforts in ensuring the eventโs success.
He commended Penang Global Tourism, the Penang Public Library Corporation, Kraftangan Malaysia Cawangan Pulau Pinang, the Malay Heritage Centre Singapore, IHH Creative Hub Jakarta, Asosiasi Museum Indonesia Kalimantan, Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Sintang, and Alliance Francaise de Penang for their participation in the festival.
State Tourism and Creative Economy Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai encouraged international participants to make the most of their time in Penang by visiting its heritage sites.

โWe have numerous attractions here, and I believe that those attending the celebration can visit some of the iconic places to gain a better understanding of our heritage,โ said Wong, expressing pride in Penangโs ability to host the event.
Deputy Unity Minister Saraswathy Kandasami, representing Unity Minister Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang, expressed her pleasure that the festival was held in Penang.

โWhen I was young, I studied at Convent Light Street, which is near Dewan Sri Pinang. This area brings back fond memories for me,โ she said, reminiscing about her younger days.
Among those present were Tanjong MP Lim Hui Ying, Haryany, and other distinguished guests.
Story by Edmund Lee
Pix by Muhamad Amir Irsyad Omar
Video by Noor Siti Nabilah Noorazis
Publish post on 19 May 2024

Publish post on 19 May 2024

Publish post on 18 May 2024

Publish post on 18 May 2024

16 MAY 2024
Publish post on 15 May 2024

Publish post on 13 Mei 2024

Publish post on 13 May 2024
GEORGE TOWN โ Festival Hari Muzium Antarabangsa (HMA) 2024 di negeri Pulau Pinang yang dijadualkan berlangsung dari 13 hingga 22 Mei membuka tirai dengan penganjuran Temasya Sukan dekat Padang Kota Lama di sini hari ini.
Seramai 400 peserta daripada 40 organisasi muzium dari seluruh negara mengambil bahagian dalam lima acara yang dipertandingkan pada hari ini membabitkan sukan padang.
Exco Pelancongan dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Wong Hon Wai berkata Temasya Sukan antara kelainan yang dibawa oleh negeri Pulau Pinang selaku tuan rumah bagi penganjuran HMA kali ke-28 pada tahun ini.
โTemasya Sukan ini merupakan usaha sama antara Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang (MBPP) dan Lembaga Muzium Negeri Pulau Pinang (LMNPP).
โPulau Pinang memberikan kelainan dengan penganjuran acara sukan secara terbuka yang akan dipertontonkan kepada pelancong-pelancong sama ada dari dalam mahupun luar negeri.
โPemilihan lokasi juga adalah eksklusif iaitu di Padang Kota Lama danย Penang Town Hallย yang dikelilingi oleh pelbagai tarikan bersejarahย Fort Cornwallisย serta terletak dalam Tapak Warisan Dunia UNESCO George Town.
โJusteru, saya berharap agar para atlet kontinjen HMA 2024 yang datang dari pelbagai pelosok negara dapat menikmati keindahan negeri Pulau Pinang dan menghayati nilai-nilai estetika tarikan sejarah di bandar raya George Town,โ katanya ketika berucap pada Majlis Perasmian Temasya Sukan HMA 2024 dekat sini pagi tadi.
Hadir sama, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah (Permuziuman) Jabatan Muzium Malaysia, Mohd. Razaimi Hamat dan Pengarah LMNPP, Haryany Mohamad.
Pada sidang media selepas itu, Haryany berkata empat lagi acara sukan yang bakal dipertandingkan melibatkan sukan pantai akan berlangsung pada esok (14 Mei) dekat Batu Ferringhi.
โSelepas itu, kita akan mulakan dengan pameran yang disertai oleh muzium dari Singapura, Perancis serta beberapa institusi negeri dekat Dewan Sri Pinang dari 15 hingga 22 Mei ini.
โSelain pameran, turut akan berlangsung adalah persembahan-persembahan kebudayaan dan tradisional yang dibawa oleh muzium dari pelbagai negeri seperti Kelantan, Negeri Sembilan, Sabah, Sarawak termasuk Kalimantan, Indonesia.
โKita juga adakan kira-kira 15 bengkel dan seminar khusus untuk kanak-kanak hingga warga emas termasuk para pelajar selain demonstrasi daripada beberapa muzium yang terlibat,โ jelasnya.
Haryani berkata, sebuah aplikasi pintar dikenali sebagai HMA 2024 juga telah dibangunkan bagi membolehkan pengunjung mendapatkan maklumat terkini mengenai acara-acara yang diadakan sepanjang festival berlangsung.
โOleh itu, orang ramai digalakkan untuk memuat turun aplikasi tersebut untuk memudahkan pengunjung menyemak maklumat dan mendaftar bagi menyertai pelbagai acara yang disediakan,โ ujarnya.
Difahamkan, HMA 2024 yang bertemakan โMuzium untuk Pendidikan dan Penyelidikanโ merupakan penganjuran yang julung kalinya diadakan di negeri Pulau Pinang dan dijangka bakal menarik kehadiran kira-kira 200,000 pengunjung.
Day 2 HMA2024
Publish post on 13 May 2024

Publish post on 13 Mei 2024

Publish post on 13 Mei 2024

Publish post on 13 Mei 2024
Credit to John Bear
Rangkuman Hari pertama Hari Muzeum Antarabangsa 2024 Pulau pinang! Punyaa syokk!
Download apps lekaih, HMA 2024, lepaih tu buleh mai join shaya di sini, sampai hujung bulan dok ada aktiviti,
Cakap banyak takmau, mai sini mai
Publish post on 11 May 2024

๐๐๐ซ๐ญ๐๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ฎ๐ซ๐๐ง ๐ญ๐๐ซ๐ข๐ค ๐ญ๐๐ฅ๐ข ๐๐ฉ๐ข๐ค – ๐ญ๐๐ญ๐๐ฉ๐ข ๐๐ฎ๐ค๐๐ง ๐๐ข ๐๐๐ซ๐๐ญ!
Esok, para peserta akan bertarung di atas bot di kolam Esplanade sendiri. Gempaq x gempaq? Kongsi pendapat anda dalam komen di bawah!
๐๐ง ๐๐ฉ๐ข๐ ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ -๐จ๐-๐ฐ๐๐ซ ๐๐๐ญ๐ญ๐ฅ๐ – ๐๐ฎ๐ญ ๐ง๐จ๐ญ ๐จ๐ง ๐ฅ๐๐ง๐!
Tomorrow, participants will battled it out on boats in the Esplanade’s very own pool, which is currently being prepped for even more exciting activities. Isn’t it amazing? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Download the app and unlock a world of information at your fingertips! โจ
Apple App Store URL: https://apps.apple.com/my/app/hma-2024/id6483715969
Google Play Store URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.penangmuseum.hma2024
publish post on 11 May 2024
๐๐๐ฆ๐ข ๐ฆ๐๐ง๐๐ง๐ญ๐ข ๐ค๐๐ญ๐ข๐๐๐๐ง ๐๐ง๐๐ ๐ฌ๐๐ฆ๐ฎ๐, ๐ฉ๐๐ซ๐ ๐ค๐จ๐ง๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐ฃ๐๐ง ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐
publish post on 11 May 2024

๐๐๐ซ๐ง๐๐ก ๐๐๐ง๐ ๐๐ซ ๐e๐ญ๐๐ง๐ช๐ฎ๐?
publish post on 10 May 2024

publish post on 10 May 2024

๐๐ฎ๐ ๐ก๐๐ซ๐ข ๐ฅ๐๐ ๐ข ๐ค๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
Salah satu acara kemuncak ialah menyaksikan kontinjen muzium bertarung dalam ‘dragon’ bot – Tug of War. Acara ini merupakan yang pertama kali diadakan di Esplanade. Jangan ketinggalan tau!
๐๐ฐ๐จ ๐๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐๐๐ฒ๐ฌ ๐ญ๐จ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐’๐ฌ ๐๐ฉ๐จ๐ซ๐ญ๐ฌ ๐๐ฉ๐๐ง๐ข๐ง๐ ๐๐๐ซ๐๐ฆ๐จ๐ง๐ฒ!ย โ
Get ready for a splash! One of the highlights of the IMD2024 Sports Opening Ceremony at the Esplanade will be the Tug-Of-War ‘dragon’ boat competition among museum contingents. It’s the first time we’ll be using a giant pool for this event, and it promises to be an exciting one! Don’t miss out on all the fun!
Download the app and unlock a world of information at your fingertips!ย
Apple App Store URL:ย https://apps.apple.com/my/app/hma-2024/id6483715969
Google Play Store URL:ย https://play.google.com/store/apps/details…
Google Play Store URL:ย https://play.google.com/store/apps/details…
Image credit:ย https://www.si.com/…/2015/03/26/aquatic-tug-war-row-boat
publish post on 10 May 2024

๐๐ฎ๐ ๐ก๐๐ซ๐ข ๐ฅ๐๐ ๐ข ๐ค๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
Salah satu acara kemuncak ialah menyaksikan kontinjen muzium bertarung dalam ‘dragon’ bot – Tug of War. Acara ini merupakan yang pertama kali diadakan di Esplanade. Jangan ketinggalan tau!
๐๐ฐ๐จ ๐๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐๐๐ฒ๐ฌ ๐ญ๐จ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐’๐ฌ ๐๐ฉ๐จ๐ซ๐ญ๐ฌ ๐๐ฉ๐๐ง๐ข๐ง๐ ๐๐๐ซ๐๐ฆ๐จ๐ง๐ฒ!ย โ
Get ready for a splash! One of the highlights of the IMD2024 Sports Opening Ceremony at the Esplanade will be the Tug-Of-War ‘dragon’ boat competition among museum contingents. It’s the first time we’ll be using a giant pool for this event, and it promises to be an exciting one! Don’t miss out on all the fun!
Download the app and unlock a world of information at your fingertips!ย
Apple App Store URL:ย https://apps.apple.com/my/app/hma-2024/id6483715969
Google Play Store URL:ย https://play.google.com/store/apps/details…
Google Play Store URL:ย https://play.google.com/store/apps/details…
Image credit:ย https://www.si.com/…/2015/03/26/aquatic-tug-war-row-boat
IMD2024 Penang International Airport
publish post on 10 May 2024
๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐ธ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ผ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ณ๐๐ข ๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐, โ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ก๐๐๐๐๐๐, ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐, ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐โ.
IMD2024 Penang International Airport
publish post on 10 May 2024

Menerbitkan siaran pada 9 May 2024
On Air From Mutiara FM
publish post on 8 May 2024

Selamat Pagi Malaysia RTM
publish post on 6 May 2024
slot Selamat Pagi Malaysia (SPM)
publish post on 6 May 2024

publish post on 4 May 2024
Montaj Pra Pelancaran Festival Hari Muzium Antarabangsa (HMA) 2024.
Menerbitkan siaran pada 3 May 2024
Montaj Pra Pelancaran Festival Hari Muzium Antarabangsa (HMA) 2024.
Muat turun aplikasi untuk mendapatkan jadual acara penuh: URL Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/my/app/hma-2024/id6483715969 URL Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details…
Montage of the Launch of the International Museum Day Festival (IMD) 2024.
Download the app to get the full event schedule:
Apple App Store URL: https://apps.apple.com/my/app/hma-2024/id6483715969
Google Play Store URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details…
publish post on 3 May 2024

๐๐ญ๐จ๐ฉ!๐ ๐๐ฎ๐ซ ๐๐ฌ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐๐ง๐๐๐ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ง๐๐ ๐ข๐ง๐ญ๐จ ๐ ๐ฆ๐๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๐ฏ๐ ๐๐ญ๐ก๐ฅ๐๐ญ๐ข๐ ๐ญ๐ซ๐๐๐ค? ๐๐ง๐ ๐ ๐ก๐ฎ๐ ๐ ๐ฉ๐จ๐จ๐ฅ?
publish post on 3 May 2024

๐๐ญ๐จ๐ฉ!๐ ๐๐ฎ๐ซ ๐๐ฌ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐๐ง๐๐๐ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ง๐๐ ๐ข๐ง๐ญ๐จ ๐ ๐ฆ๐๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๐ฏ๐ ๐๐ญ๐ก๐ฅ๐๐ญ๐ข๐ ๐ญ๐ซ๐๐๐ค? ๐๐ง๐ ๐ ๐ก๐ฎ๐ ๐ ๐ฉ๐จ๐จ๐ฅ?? ๐๐ ๐๐๐!!!!
๐๐ญ๐ฐ๐ค๐ฌ ๐ฐ๐ง๐ง ๐บ๐ฐ๐ถ๐ณ 13๐ต๐ฉ ๐๐ข๐บ ๐ต๐ฐ ๐ข๐ต๐ต๐ฆ๐ฏ๐ฅ ๐๐๐ 2024
โ7AM to 5PM
Held over two days, May 13th and 14th, 2024, at Padang Kota Lama, this event promises to celebrate the spirit of athleticism with a range of thrilling competitions. Museum professionals from all the states will come together to test their skills and bring pride to their institutions! Get ready to cheer on participants as they compete in athletics, tug-of-war, the unique “Museum Titans” challenge, and more!
Here’s what awaits you:
๐ผ๏ธAction-packed competitions: Watch participants compete in athletics, tug-of-war, the unique “Museum Titans” challenge, and more!
๐ผ๏ธMesmerizing performances: Witness a captivating demonstration of self-defense arts and a silent drill performance by the Royal Malaysian Navy.
Don’t miss the IMDF Sports Opening Ceremony โ it’s the perfect way to kick off your International Museum Day Festival experience!
Download the app to get the full event schedule:
Apple App Store URL: https://apps.apple.com/my/app/hma-2024/id6483715969
Google Play Store URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.penangmuseum.hma2024
Your thorough coverage is greatly appreciated, thank you Buletin Mutiara Penang!
PENANG is gearing up to host the 28th national-level International Museum Day Festival (HMA) 2024 next month, marking its inaugural time as host and expecting around 200,000 visitors to its shores.
State Tourism and Creative Economy Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai said the event would provide Penang with a unique experience and have an impact on Penangites.
โFurthermore, the HMA 2024 provides an opportunity for the community to explore and witness the creative contributions made by museums to the countryโs development.

โThis prestigious event is expected to be attended by around 1,000 museum practitioners from across Malaysia, as well as regional institutions from neighbouring and international countries.
โSome 200,000 visitors are targetted to come to Penang island through three main entry points.
โThey include the first and second Penang Bridge, Swettenham Pier Cruise Terminal, and Penang International Airport,โ Wong said during his speech at the pre- โInternational Museum Dayโ launching ceremony at Town Hall on April 28.
The festival is scheduled to take place at the Penang State Museum and Art Gallery from May 13 to 23.
It is learned that the theme for this yearโs International Museum Day is โMuseum for Education and Researchโ.
The festivalโs lineup includes beach sports activities and the exploration of creative economy products. Moreover, there will be collaborative efforts with non-governmental organisations.
In addition, a smart app has been developed for visitors to get updates on the festival.

Wong said that, along with the International Museum Day Festival, many other interesting activities and events will take place in the state, namely Wesak Day, durian harvest season, and many others.
Apart from that, Wong also shared that the Penang Hill cable car project is progressing well, with its groundbreaking ceremony set to take place in June.
โIt is expected that this project will be completed in two years, with hopes that it will coincide with the Visit Malaysia Year in 2026,โ he added.
It was reported earlier that Hartasuma Sdn Bhd has officially signed a contract with Doppelmayr Seilbahnen GmbH for the Penang Hill cable car project.
Pre-Launching IMD 2024
Penang will celebrate the National International Museum Festival for 12 consecutive days starting from May 13

(Penang News on the 28th) Penang Tourism and Creative Economy Committee Chairman Huang Hanwei said that the 28th National International Museum Festival will be held in Penang for 12 consecutive days from May 13 to 22. This year it also coincides with the Penang Museum The 60th anniversary of the founding of the Bureau can be said to be a double blessing.
He pointed out that this celebration was not only held in Penang for the first time, but also hosted by the Penang Museum Department for the first time. The authorities hoped to enrich this celebration by preparing diversified activities.
“In addition to developing special smart applications for delegations and tourists participating in the celebration, we also arranged interesting beach sports events to empower outdoor activities for the celebration, and also took this opportunity to promote our maritime heritage.”
He added that the authorities hope to increase public support and awareness of the local creative tourism industry while promoting creative economy tourism products.

Ng Hon Wai, who is also the chairman of the Penang Museum Committee, attended the opening ceremony of the “International Museum Festival Warm-up” last night and said that close cooperation between the federal, state and non-governmental organizations will ensure the continuity and perfection of this event.ย
He expects 1,000 museum operators from all over the country and even neighboring countries to participate in this event, and 200,000 visitors are expected to participate.
He said that in the upcoming May, in addition to the National International Museum Day celebrations, Labor Day and Vesak Day are also durian seasons, which will attract more domestic and foreign tourists.
Guests attending the meeting included Deputy Director of the National Museums Department Razaimi (Festivals), Deputy Director Mohammad Sawali (Administration), Penang Island Mayor Datuk Rajendran, Malaysian Hoteliers Association Penang Branch Chairman Datuk Goh Nai Keng and Hayani, Director of the Penang Museum Department and others.
Pre-Launching IMD 2024
Menerbitkan siaran pada 27 April 2024
Mark your calendars, Penang! The International Museum Day (IMD) Festival 2024 will be here starting from 13 May until 22 May 2024!
Get ready for an exciting event unlike any other, meticulously curated by the Penang State Museum and Art Gallery.
Penang State Museum and Art Gallery proudly announced the official pre-launch of the International Museum Day (IMD) Festival 2024. The pre-launch were held with great fanfare at Town Hall, Padang Kota George Town!
The Launching Ceremony of the International Museum Day Festival (HMA) 2024 was officiated by YB Tuan Wong Hon Wai, EXCO for Tourism and Creative Economy and Chairman of the Penang State Museum Board.
The event was also attended by YBrs. Mohamad Shawali Haji Badi, Deputy Director (Policy) of the Malaysian Museums Department, YBrs. Tuan Razaimi Hamat, Deputy Director (Museums) of the Malaysian Museums Department, YBhg. Dato’ Tony Goh, Chairman of the Malaysian Hotels Association Penang, YBhg. Dato’ Ir. Rajendran A/L P. Anthony, Mayor of the Penang Island City Council, and YBrs. Puan Haryany Mohamad, Director of the Penang State Museum and Art Gallery Board.
Stay tuned for more updates, and get ready for a celebration of art, culture, and history!
๐น by Penang State Museum Board
International Museum Day 2024 Montage
International Museum Day 2024 Teaser
HMA 2024 Troopers Billboard Promo
HMA 2024 Billboard Promo
International Museum Day 2024 Flipbook